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    Reiki is a form of energy healing that supports the function of our chakras. Chakras are powerful energy centers in our body that relate to our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.  There are seven main chakras which are located along our spine from the tip of the tailbone to right above the top of the head.  Each chakra has a specific energy signature and purpose.  Tesla Reiki is done by a trained reiki practitioner who is situated next to running Tesla Energy lights and is channeling its plasma substance and general life force to the recipient.  Remote reiki sessions can be done from any distance in the world.  Below are general outlines of each chakra to provide and idea of how reiki can help you.

    The first chakra is the ROOT CHAKRA. It is located at the base of the spine.  It is associated with basic human needs and safety and is known as our survival center.  An imbalance of the root chakra can lead to anxiety, fear, rejection, feelings of "ungroundedness", constipation, pain in sacrum and legs/feet.  It is associated with the color red.

    The second chakra is the SACRAL CHAKRA.  It is located below the belly button. It is associated with sensuality, sexuality, and connection with others.  An imbalance can lead to libido and reproductive problems, creative blocks, and low back pain.  Its color is orange  

    The third chakra is called the SOLAR PLEXUS chakra and is associated with personal power and self-confidence.  Its location is below the sternum.  An imbalanced solar plexus chakra can reveal need to assert oneself, low self-esteem, weight problems and metabolic disease.  It is associated with yellow

    The fourth chakra is the HEART CHAKRA. Its represents love and compassion for oneself and all living things and sits in the center of the chest. It is easy for the heart chakra to become imbalanced which leads to heartache and lack of trust, prolonged forlornness, blood pressure issues, poor circulation, and chest and upper back pain.  Its color is green.

    The fifth chakra is the THROAT CHAKRA. It is associated with clear, honest, and confident communication.  An imbalance of the throat chakra can manifest as fear of expressing oneself, dishonesty, excessive sarcasm, thyroid problems, and pain in the throat or neck. It  is blue in color and is located at the throat.

    The sixth chakra is the THIRD EYE CHAKRA and it relates to intuition, insight, and spiritual connectedness.  If it is blocked or imbalanced, one might feel mentally fogged, stuck, depressed, or experience headaches, insomnia, sinus or ear issues. It is located on the center of the forehead and is associated with the color of indigo.

    The seventh chakra is known as the CROWN CHAKRA and is located a couple inches above the top of the head. It s color is purple and is associated with interconnected with the cosmos and our life purpose.  An imbalanced crown chakra can lead to greed and selfishness, lack of empathy, sensitivity to light and sound, and a sense of feeling lost in life.

    Tesla Reiki sessions are completed 72 hours within booking.  If the practitioner has received any intuitive messages regarding the receiver, an email will be provided.  Book today to enjoy this unique and valuable healing experience!






        DR. KIM 


    © 2019 by Kimberly Hickerson

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